Health Outcomes Are Influenced by Many Variables – but You Have the Power to Influence Positive Change

4 minute read, posted on 07/10/2024, by VXI Marketing

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Health insurance companies know that the social determinants of health (SDOH) play a very large role in determining the health of their members. The health of individuals is often presumed to be focused on where people live, but there are many different variables that determine health outcomes. 

The impact of social determinants of health can be divided into five main groups: 

  1. Economic stability 
  1. Education access and quality 
  1. Healthcare access and quality 
  1. Neighborhood and built environment 
  1. Social and community context 

These groups are all fairly self-explanatory. Economic stability is focused on people having a steady income and knowing they can pay their bills each month. Access to good quality education and healthcare are both essential to create opportunity and prevent ill health. Built environments can be designed to promote better health. Social and community support can help to reduce the negative impact in other areas of life by offering support and a safety net. 

Companies that are directly involved in healthcare have often launched education or information programs to help focus attention on the main challenges around the SDOH. This can help at the edges of the issue, more information is always welcome, but posters and online information do not directly change any of the variables that influence the SDOH. 

However, there is a specific business action that healthcare companies can take that will directly impact the health of the communities where they operate and subsequently the health of their members. Start thinking about the outsourcing process as an activity that needs to be driven by purpose. 

The business service partners that deliver your back-office, IT, HR, and customer service processes can deliver significant benefits to the communities where they operate. By taking a more systematic approach to finding a partner that will help to move the dial on health outcomes in their region you can work positively for your healthcare business – in addition to finding a great partner. 

A purpose-driven approach to healthcare outsourcing genuinely adds value to your business. Research by McKinsey describes how shareholders are likely to see greater returns if a company takes a purpose-driven approach. Costs are reduced, productivity is increased, and growth is faster. On all business performance metrics, it makes sense to explore how to be more purpose-driven as quickly as possible. 

VXI has developed a focused and purpose-driven approach to outsourcing. We have proven this can make a dramatic difference to local communities. We know from experience that economic and social value can be dramatically improved. Our Impact Hub Initiative is a great example. Serving as virtual and physical contact centers, our hubs generate jobs, enhance skills, foster customer experience transformation, and catalyze economic growth while supporting a diverse, resilient supply chain and high-value customer interactions. 

Think how this can directly impact on the SDOH measures. Creating high-quality and stable jobs in a community means that you are building neighborhoods where people value work and value their community. These neighborhoods will see less crime and violence and more social cohesion. People living in these areas are more likely to seek out education opportunities and more likely to engage with local organizations.  

On many of the different measures that determine the SDOH, a dramatic difference can be achieved by focusing on which partners your healthcare business works with and how they create a positive impact in their local community. Many companies do this in an unstructured way just by creating jobs, but at VXI we believe that our Impact Hub Initiative approach offers a real opportunity to drive change into the areas that need it most. 

Underserved communities can change when companies engage with them, and our Impact Hub approach has been proven to lead to dramatic measurable change – just by creating opportunities for local people. 

For more information on purpose-driven outsourcing at VXI please click here. 

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