Why Diversity Matters

2 minute read, posted on 10/07/2020, by VXI Marketing

Why Diversity Matters

The story of diversity in the workplace is the story of how inclusion toiled its way into the hearts and minds of the people. Having a diverse workplace means that a company employs different individuals with varying characteristics, beliefs, and ideas. This also means that the company workforce is employing individuals with varying race, ethnicity, cultural background, age, sexual orientation, religion, languages, education, and skills.

Some of the major milestones in diversity include President Harry S. Truman’s Executive Order 9981 which made discrimination based on race, color, religion, or natural origin illegal for all members of the armed forces. By 1964, the Civil Rights Act made it illegal for private and public businesses to practice discrimination in their hiring and firing.

Aside from improving the company’s brand and status, research suggests that diversity in the workplace leads to higher employee engagement and participation, encourages faster problem resolutions, allows a variety of different ideas and viewpoints, and is helpful for employee retention.

Nowadays, a diverse workplace is more than just a term used to impress potential clients. For VXI, it is a way of life—lifeblood that keeps the passion pumping. Every day, VXI ensures that D&I in the workplace is an integral part of our business culture. To ensure success, our plans to drive our diversity initiatives are in place. We are proud of VXI’s stand on workplace diversity as the majority of our workforce is made up of people of color.

In the United States, more than two-thirds of our workforce identify as people of color. Seven of our US site Directors are minorities. We celebrate this rich diversity and work actively to provide opportunity access and advancement for minorities.

At VXI, more than 20 years of this diverse culture has built us into one of the world’s most successful customer-care organizations. Learn more about our culture and our Customer-Care Solutions. Talk to us about our Passion for People and our passion for your success.


VXI Diversity Report: June 17, 2020

A Brief History of Diversity in the Workplace

The History of Diversity in the Workplace

10 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace

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